Friday 5 June 2009

Back in the UK

Thanks to everyone who has been reading my blog since I started it last year, and especially to those who have commented, but as some of you know, there were reasons why the posts got thinner as time went on, and unfortunately there will be no more posts from Canada as we have returned to the UK.

There are many things we will miss about working in North America, but the main thing will be the fantastic people we met whilst we were over there, and hopefully we will have made some lasting friendships, even amongst the people we never met in person, but just corresponded with.

We both wish everyone still working at H&R, and elsewhere the very best of luck in the future, whatever that might bring for you all.

Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge.

Lots of people are missing off this picture as I didn't have any snaps of you, but I'm sure you know who you all are.